Saturday, January 31, 2009

This is why we're friends

Last night I spent almost 10 hours hanging out with my friends from high school. I laughed a lot, drank a lot, and had multiple serious conversations.

Today I spent four hours in a cafe with my friends from my old job. When we weren't eating, we were laughing and talking and probably annoying the hell out of our waiter.

This is, as far as I'm concerned, time well spent. As much and I enjoy my alone time, I am focusing this year (as I did last year) on making sure I dedicate time to my friends. I used to find myself floating through life in an isolated bubble, not returning phone calls or keeping up communication. I miss a lot that way, and I'm determined to change that.

Plus, my friends are a lot of fun to hang out with. So: win win. Win.

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